Tuesday 23 August 2016

10 top tips to my freshers self!

As it comes up to the start of my second year at uni, I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to reflect upon my freshers year. I started the year bright eyed and hopeful but I ended it with huge bags under my eyes and a serious desire for a summer of sleep. Now that I've had almost enough sleep to satisfy that need, I'm refreshed and ready for the challenges that I know this year will bring. To help me with these challenges, I wanted to write a list of anything I would do again if I had the opportunity to have a do-over of my first year.

1. Don't be afraid to go on nights out (or to miss nights out)!
I spent most of freshers week having early nights whilst my house mate went out every single night. Although I fortunately missed having the insane hangovers that a solid week of drinking provides, I also missed out on making friends with people in my accommodation. I also missed out on some great fancy dress opportunities! Although I wouldn't want to go out every night of freshers, it would be nice to get in a few more nights out before lecturers start properly.

2. Don't miss out on any of freshers fair.
The highlight of freshers week is definitely the freshers fair! The beauty of freshers fair is that you can pick up so many free things or offers. My personal favourites were free dominoes, Greggs and beer glasses that have your name engraved. It's also a perfect time to join a sport club or society; which leads me nicely into my next tip...

3. Join a society!
I didn't join any sports or societies and it's one of my biggest regrets! They help you meet so many new people and get you involved in crazy nights out. Another perk is that sports clubs help you keep off that dreaded freshers 15! I've also learnt that you don't have to have any previous experience of that sport, so you could find something new that you're really good at or that you really enjoy.

4. Move in on the first possible date.
I chose to move into halls on the last date available and when I arrived all the good cupboards in the kitchen had been taken and there was absolutely no fridge space. Even though I learnt to love my under-sink cupboard and the freezer, it would have been nicer to have the option of fresher food and a bigger cupboard.

5. Get out of your room more!
You may be really nervous to meet new people, but they're probably just as scared! Even if you just sit and chill in your living area (ours was just a kitchen), you're giving people the option to talk to you. After all, you're going to be living with the same people for a year so you may as well get to know them! Only one of my housemates spoke English so I had to go completely out of my comfort zone and approach people who didn't live with me as well. This is where the nights out would have helped! At the end of the night everyone could be looking for people to get taxis back with and that's always a great time to meet new people.

6. Don't spend all your student loan at once.
The excitement of receiving your student loan is second to none and it can be so easy to spend it as soon as it arrives. For many people it is holidays or booze it gets spent on but for me it was a shiny new iPhone. Even though at the time I thought I would have enough money left for the year, it turns out that money definitely doesn't last as long as you would like it to. Don't forget that you have to buy food with it!

7. Don't leave everything until the last minute.
This is probably something that is engrained into us from a young age but it's super important to remember that at uni. Although I have seen some people pull off an essay the night before a hand-in and receive a decent grade, many people fall below the pass line with this technique. University essays require loads of references from academic reading which you can't get from a night of work.

8. Evernote will be your best friend.
This is an app that allows you to store notes. It's free on the App Store and it's absolutely brilliant for writing notes both from lectures and reading into. You can file the notes into notebooks (I have one for each module and assignment) which makes it really easy to find when revising or essay writing. It's also so much quicker and environmentally friendly than hand writing them out; which means more time for socialising!

9. Reference as you go along.
If, like me, you haven't referenced before going to uni, you're in for a real treat! Referencing isn't something you can avoid and it can be quite difficult to understand at first. We're all guilty of making reference to something in an essay and deciding to write it up at the end only to realise that you've forgotten where you've read it. When reading academically, write the reference for the text at the top of your notes. That way, when you're using your notes you'll know exactly where it came from. Also write them into your reference list when you include them in your essay. This will save so much time and stress, trust me!

10. Make the most out of it!
This is one opportunity that you only get once, so really enjoy it. Get to know your new city and let yourself become absorbed by student life!

If you're just starting university this year, I'm completely jealous! It'll (hopefully) be one of the best experiences you'll ever have and will shape the person that you become.